Properties and use
FOX 7018 is the most used
low-capacity base electrode designed for welding all conventional
structural unalloyed steels. It has excellent strength and toughness.
The electrode yield is 115%. It is suitable for all positions except
slopes (ie from top-down). The electrode is intended for steel structure
welds, production of boilers, reservoirs, vehicles and ships and for
filling under carbon steel. The electrode is suitable for steel welds
with lower purity and higher carbon content. Very low hydrogen content
in weld metal (according to AWS conditions HD ≤ 4ml / 100 g).
Fox 7018 electrode is also suitable for conventional abrasion resistant
sheets (eg HARDOX). If necessary, we recommend overhauling a weld once
cover layer of weld - eg UTP DUR 600.
Additional information
Electrode cover: basic
Welding current: DC (+)
Electrode diameter: 2.0 mm
Electrode length: 250 mm
Number of electrodes in package: 260 pcs
Packing: Box - 2,8 kg
Number of packs in cardboard: 4 packs - 11,2 kg